
Volcano erupts on a deserted Cape Cod

Woahh I had a dream that a volcano was erupting on Cape Cod and I was in the car with La and Nina and Lisa driving away and saw it erupt in the distance. And in the dream I was like "it's sooo funny that to counter strike a volcano they were able to evacuate the entirety of cape cod in one day". And you guys were like, whatever Gaby, you're such a nerd. It was just like real life!

LOL It was so crazy!

And also really pretty when it erupted.


Here's one from Antonio...

Take any piece of prose about 3-5 pages long. It could be a short story, selection from a novel, science journal--anything with interesting language. Go through the piece and highlight words that stick out to you. Create a poem with these words, but DO NOT change the order that they're in. Your poem must use these words in the order that you found them. Have fun!


Dear Friends:

Send me writing prompts.  They best be good. :)

And then I will surely entertain you.




Feels like

A million bucks
kissing a summer breeze
slowly slipping down to grace
the still waters of a fountain
black and cream and green.


Tuna Yogurt Tomato Sandwich

This sandwich is BOSS. It is my brain child. :)

  • 2 slices multigrain bread
  • 1 can tuna
  • 6 cherry or grape tomatoes
  • meunster, provalone, or cheddar cheese
  • plain greek yogurt
  • mayonnaise
  • dill
  • pepper
  • a handful of mixed greens
  • IF I had them....I would add cucumbers too.
  1. Open, drain, and prepare the tuna as you normally would -- i mix in just enough mayo to coat it (no sogginess!) The yogurt will add creaminess later.
  2. Chop up the tomatoes, and add them to the tuna with a generous amount of black pepper and dill.
  3. Slice up your cheese and lay it on a slice of bread.
  4. Add the tuna in a layer.
  5. Add a layer of mixed greens
  6. On the other slice, spread some plain greek yogurt, generously.
  7. Put it together and slice it in halves or triangles :)


A girl.

Once in the world there was a girl who could only speak in a box full of muffins.

She had nine toes and one nose and a tiny mark on her hip that looked like a chicken.

If she rolled on her side at night, the mark made a noise like this - baaagahhhhhk!  ha!

One day this girl purled a whole scarf, well, knit a whole scarf if you look at it backwards.

Then she took the scarf and she wore it to a play on the life of Shakespeare.

Which was not like his plays at all and it sort of dragged until the end when, well, I won't say...don't want to ruin the ending.

It should be clear to you now that this girl was the coolest.